We Code

Welcome to We Code IT Technology

We Code IT Technology Limited is a software and Geographical Information Systems company. We develop products that are designed to suit the local and global markets in addressing the daily challenges that different communities, firms, institutions and organisations face. We offer customised solutions depending on the needs of the clients.

Our Services

 Our mobile applications are designed with the idea of inclusiveness  in mind. Our designs are easy to use even by the most vulnerable in our society. We develop apps based on any organizational needs after understanding the organizational processes.

Visibility is a key factor in business or any venture whether its for profit, charity, educational or religious. We design  websites and eCommerce platforms  that will capture the attention of your intended audience. We provide advanced web features that are dynamic can easily be integrated with an organisations systems.

We develop both desktop and web based applications. We also provide software solutions to government institutions, Non Govenmental Organisations, Private and public companies, and other different sectors. Our goal is to provide solutions that enhances and improves our clients operations

Geographical Information Systems are vital in any organisations management of data. Spatial or location based information helps in analysing data and decision making through the use of Maps. Our team has vast experience in GIS software based solutions, data management, mapping and it provides support to organisations ranging from training, software acquisition and software development. We also provide input in efficient use of an organisations existing data and systems. 

Geospatial Information is essential in asset management. We provide advanced asset management solutions using Geospatial components, web mapping, QR code Technology, IOT and data analytics in the management of assets.  Our team integrates an organisations asset into systems that can help them easily monitor, manage and plan 

In this age of the 4th industrial revolution, data is at the heart of every organization across all industries globally. We offer insights on how organizations can use their existing data and provide solutions on collecting of the needed data. This also includes data management, sharing and storage to ensure data is safe and data protection policies are adhered to.

Our team uses advanced data analysis tools and visualizations to help organisations with better decision making.